Cwestiynau Cyffredin

Cwestiynau Cyffredin

Pryd, lle ac am faint o'r gloch ydych chi yn cyfarfod?

Mae gennym sesiynnau hyfforddi pob nos Fawrth a Iau, rydym yn cyfarfod tu allan i'r feddygfa yn ymyl Canolfan Hamdden Bwcle am 6:20yh i ddechrau am 6:30yh. See our Training page for more details.


A ydyw'n addas i fi?

Mae gennym sesiynnau a phellteroedd sy'n gweddu pob gallu.


Be sy'n cael ei gynnwys?

Mae'r hyfforddiant yn cynnwys:

  • Rhediadau Ymgynnull - 5i 6 milltir gyda'r rhedwyr cyflymaf yn dod i'r cefn i gefnogi.
  • Rhediadau tempo - 5 i 7.5 milltir ar gyflymder cyson.
  • Rhedeg Ysbeidiol - Rhedeg caled, gorffwys, rhedeg ayyb (unai 10 x 600m hyd at 6 x 1000 metr).


Unrhyw beth arall?

Mae grwpiau llai yn rhedeg ar y penwythnosau ar bellteroedd a thirwedd amrywiol, mae'r rhain yn ad-hoc ac yn cael eu trefnu rhwng aelodau.


Beth os alla i ddim mynychu'r hyfforddiant pob wythnos?

Does dim problem, dewch pan rydych yn gallu.


Beth ydw i angen dod gyda fi i'r hyfforddiant?

Dillad rhedeg addas, gan ystyried y tywydd gan ein bod yn rhedeg trwy'r flwyddyn. Mae angen Hi-vis yn y gaeaf ar gyfer y nosweithiau tywyll.


Ydych chi yn cymryd rhan mewn rasus?

Ydym, llawer ohonyn nhw, mae ein aelodau yn cymryd rhan mewn rasus o bellter 5km i ultra. Rydym yn cystadlu mewn cynghreiriau hefyd ar gyfer rhedeg ffordd a thrawsgwlad (Mae'r rhain am ddim i aelodau) a hefyd rhedeg mynydd.


Do I need to be a member to run with you?

We actively encourage people to come along and try out a few sessions first to see if they enjoy it. If after this you wish to continue, we encourage you to then become a member.


How much is membership?

In total it is currently £22.50, which consists of an annual subscription to Buckley Runners of £3 and registration to Welsh Athletics for £19.50. Membership runs from 1st April each year. More information can be found on the Membership page.

Where can I buy Vests and Kit?

Club kit can be purchased direct from our VX3 shop. Our race vests and t-shirts are bespoke and made to order. They’re both priced at £15.60 each. To order a vest and/or t-shirt please contact Charles Barton with your order. We carry a limited stock of various sizes at any one time and put in orders with VX3 every few months. Please keep an eye on Facebook, Strava and Spond for updates.

How do I join?

You will find the membership form on our membership page here, all instruction are provided within the form.

What if I am transferring from another club?

Please fill in the Welsh Athletics transfer form as well as membership form and submit to Becks Brown.

What does Club Membership get you?

  • Running with like-minded people with friendly competitive nature, will really help to improve your running.
  • Being able to run for Buckley Runners in races (vest required). Also included is free entry to 7 Road Races (Borders League) and 5 in the North Wales Cross Country League.
  • Through club affiliation, you also receive reduced entry (~£2) into many other races.

Is it all road running?

No, we cover most types of running, namely road, cross country, fell and trail all year around. We do not however partake in track events.


Where can I get more information?

Join our Facebook page. You will find information on all our runs and events on there. Email us if you need more info.

Who do I speak to about Club matters?

Check out our Committee and Leads page here to find the named representatives.


Do you cater for Children?

We do not specifically cater for under 18’s at Buckley. However some of the members do bring their children to training every so often, but under direct supervision of the parent. Other clubs in the area specifically cater for children, please look for Deeside AAC.

Are dogs welcome?

No we do not cater for dogs at training sessions, however some of the members do take theirs when doing trail or fell runs. If you specifically want to run with dogs, please look for local Canicross groups, which some of our member actively partake in.